I fully remember being a sassy pre-teen and teenager. I remember pushing the limits on my Mother's patience and even testing the boundaries of my own courage at the same time.
I have memories of my mother doing her best to keep her cool when it was very apparent that she was about to either explode or spontaneously combust from the antics my siblings and I were ringing her through.
My intentions as a child were purely fueled by my own stubborn nature, ad well as the hormones dancing on the surface of my edge into puberty. Mix that with 2 ninja-like assasins for younger brothers and a new born baby sister, and you have yourself a cocktail of pre pubescent disaster.
Now, as a 27 year old woman and mother of three, I find all of these memories flooding back to me as my own children are testing MY patience and the legitimacy of the rules and boundaries we have in place for them.
Seeing things through the eyes of both sides now, I could not wish tothe relate more to the fire my mother felt as her own babies looked at her and resisted all guidance and effort.
I often wonder if I am doing this whole "motherhood" thing the right way, if there even is such a thing. Fairly certain I am not the only one either. Signs that you are taking parenting seriously perhaps? I hope.
I have these three amazing little people, full if their own circumstances and personalities. And in my best attempts to guide them, to show them boundaries and teach them respect, I see just what my mother felt nearly 14 years ago.
I did not always push buttons with everyone, usually just my ma. Why? I didnt know at the time, but now looking back , it was because she was my rock, my wonder woman. I knew no matter what I did or said, no.matter how many loads of laundry I shoved into a corner or how many times I talked back as though attitude was flowing like lava from Mt. Vesuvious, she would always love me. I could absolutely push her to the limit, and while I may get my ass smacked in the process, or soap in my mouth , or priveleges taken away, at the end of all of it, my Mommy was still my #1 supporter.
So after mornings like this very one I am sitting in now, ones here I have had to raise my voice and an eyebrow all too many times even before most are awake, I remind myself of all of that.... I hope that the reason my chilldren are so comfortable in pushing my buttons, is because they know just how much I love them, and that no matter what, I will ALWAYS be here.
I just hope <3